Vinces opens new Brussels office

One step further in Vinces´ international expansion

Vinces is opening a new office in the heart of Brussels’ EU district at Avenue des Arts 56. The new office is part of Vinces’ international expansion, which continues a seven-year legacy in Madrid and Barcelona. All our efforts are aimed at being the leading Spanish independent office of reference in the Belgian capital.

¿Did you know that between 80% and 100% of regulations that affect business are drafted by the European institutions?

Being pro-active in Brussels is no longer an option but a necessity. European decisions have a direct impact on business strategy and being represented by European trade unions and employers´ associations is not enough. Alongside this, the current Brexit challenge and its impact on the balance of power between EU Member States and within European institutions makes it necessary to anticipate EU regulatory risks and take part in the debate around legislative decision-making at EU level.

Our Brussels office is led by Laurence Modrego, who has more than a decade of experience in Brussels, where she has worked as a consultant for international clients in two of the most recognised EU public affairs consultancies; in addition to having worked in European politics and as a journalist. Laurence will coordinate the Vinces’ teams in Madrid and Brussels to offer our clients an aligned strategy and support them in voicing their concerns in the national and European regulatory areas.

In this new phase, Vinces would like to contribute to European public affairs through our methodology (the Representation Pyramid), which aims at building influence through increased legitimacy, according to the Vinces principle “the stronger the social legitimacy is, the greater the ability to influence”; with transparency, professionalism and no shortcuts.





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