- The turnover in the Catalan elections has reached record numbers with a total of 77.44%, which is the highest in history and means an increase of almost 10 points compared to the 2012 elections.
- The coalition party Junts pel Sí (Together For Yes), formed by the union of the two biggest parties in favor of the independence of Catalonia, Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (Democratic Convergence of Catalonia) and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia), has won the elections with 62 seats (39,57%) in all four Catalan provinces. In the 2012 elections, the sum of seats of those two parties was 71 (44.41%).
- Along with the 10 seats of the party Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (Candidacy of Popular Unity), the political parties in favor of the independence have an absolute majority of 72 seats. In terms of votes, the popular support of the separatist parties did not reach a majority, with a percentage of 47.78%.
- Nevertheless, the leaders from CUP, an extreme left-wing party that agrees to exit the European Union in order for Catalonia to become independent, have said that they are not going to support the investiture of Artur Mas, current president and aspiring candidate from Junts pel Sí, which will make it very difficult for the winning coalition to form a government and achieve political stability.
- The political party Ciutadans (Citizens) has become the biggest non-nationalist political party, and main opposition party in the Parliament, with 25 seats and 17.91% of the votes, rising from a result of 9 seats and 7.57% of the votes in 2012.
- Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (Socialist Party) lost only a handful of votes (a little over 4,500 votes) compared to 2012, but with the increase in participation these results translate in a loss of 4 seats in the chamber, from 20 to 16.
- The Partit Popular (Popular Party), current ruling party in the Spanish Government, suffered a harsh defeat, with its representation falling from 19 to 11 seats and losing over 120,000 votes.
- The party Catalunya Sí que es Pot (Catalonia Yes It Can), the coalition formed between PODEMOS and the green party Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds (Initiative for Catalonia Greens) obtained 11 seats, lowering their results from 2012 in 2 seats.
Next steps:
Based on the law of the Presidency and the Government of Catalonia:
- The current president of the Government of Catalonia Artur Mas has to convene the constitutive session of the legislature within the next 20 days after the elections.
- After the opening day of the legislature, the Speaker of the Parliament has 10 days to propose a candidate for the Presidency of the Government.