[intro_evento]Vinces Launch Event
[descripcion_evento titulo=»#EUpowershift / The impact of Brexit on the power balance in the European Union: a shift to the South?» descripcion=»The first of a series of three events on the topic of shifting power in Europe, a phenomenon we will explore through three angles according to the Vinces methodology: politics, regulation, and society.»]

13th of November at 17:30 in Brussels (Avenue des Arts 56, 1000)  

During the past years, the French-German alliance has often been balanced by the influence of the UK.  Without the UK, what new dynamics will emerge between Member States? 

Do the recent initiatives — led jointly by France, Germany, Italy and Spain (informal summits, digital economy proposals) —  augur a new leading quartet for the EU, which will lean more towards Southern interests and concerns than it did in the past? What kind of change can we expect in the political priorities of the EU?


17:30 – 18:00 Welcome drink

18:00 – 18:30 Keynote speech by Mr. Jorge Toledo Albiñana, Spain’s Secretary of State for European Affairs

18:30 – 20:00 Panel discussion with:

  • Mr. Pierre Vimont, Ambassador of France, former Permanent Representative of France to the EU, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Europe.
  • Mr. Bernardo Aguilera, Director of EU Affairs at the Spanish industry association CEOE.
  • Mrs. Elena Herrero-Beaumont, Partner at Vinces and Executive Board Member at Transparency International-Spain.


 20:00 – 21:00 Cocktail reception

If you are interested in attending, please send an e-mail to:  brexit@vinces.es

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