EU Circular Economy Action Plan: implementation tracking diagram

A new Circular Economy Action Plan was adopted by the European Commission in March 2020, establishing a strong regulatory framework to speed up the EU’s transition towards a circular economy.

The new Action Plan, a key component of the EU Green Deal, analyses the entire lifecycle of products and materials to ensure sustainable use of resources and tackles resource-intensive sectors. The Commission will launch concrete actions on plastics, packaging, textiles, food, batteries, construction and electronics. Moreover, the Action Plan presents measures to ensure less waste and create an effective market of secondary resources, make sustainable products the norm in the EU, empower consumers as well as contribute to the transformation of the industry. The EU aims to take the lead on global efforts on circular economy, mainstream the objectives, support the transition and capture synergies. The plan and the initiatives therein will be developed and implemented throughout 2020, 2021 and 2022, as you can track on the following diagram.


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