Elecciones Generales #26J


Voter turnout in the elections has been over 69%, more than 3 points lower than in December 2015.

The Popular Party (PP) wins the elections with 137 seats (more than 33% of the votes), rising from 123 with regards to the last elections.

The Socialist Party (PSOE) remains the second political force with 85 seats (over 22% of the votes), despite of what the polls were forecasting, but loses 5 seats in comparison with 2015.

UNIDOS PODEMOS, the coalition of PODEMOS with United Left, along with other regional lists, obtains 71 seats (with 21% of the votes). It is the same result they had separately last December, but the parties have lost over a million votes.

Ciudadanos stays as the fourth political force with 32 seats (13% of the votes), but loses 8 seats compared to the 2015 elections.

The sum of PP and Ciudadanos is 169 seats (6 more than in 2015), whereas the sum of PSOE and UNIDOS PODEMOS decreases to 156 (5 less than in 2015), being 176 seats the overall majority.

Small nationalist parties will be key for the formation of a government. All of them sum a total of 25 seats.

The Popular Party maintains its absolute majority in the Senate.

The constituent sessions of the Congress and the Senate will take place on July 19th. The following weeks will be of intense political negotiation.

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